First things first...I was tagged by my gal pal over at Tiaras and Tantrums to find the 5th picture in the 5th file of the 5th folder on my 5th computer on the 5th floor of my 5th house. Or something along those lines. Well, my computer is very new and I have no photos on it yet, so I will have to look elsewhere.
Oh, well hey... Mr. Super Shuttle Driver to the rescue! Today, I get to kill two birds with one very muddy stone because of a professional driver's skill/crack smoking/ineptitude. When I look at the photo below, I feel very full of words, most of which can't be repeated here.
Now I will freely admit that our yard probably doesn't seem like much, but the point is, it is our yard (read: not a road).
I would also like to mention that Mr. Super Shuttle Driver was not driving up our driveway to pick up anyone in our house. Rather, his driving skills are surpassed only by his navigation skills, and he was at the wrong house.
In closing, I'll applaud the entire Super Shuttle team for their consistency. It seems that their customer service department is operated by folks equally, if not more, moronic, clueless and irresponsible.

As always, Angie rocks! Go check out more Wordful Wednesday delights...

Very Funny.....but Im sorry about your yard. Next time wait for him and throw some eggs at his shuttle.
Ooh, that would've made me mad!
Well at least they didn't do doughnuts. I think one of those metal hedging strips are in order (then you can sharpen them to a point and give the dude a flat)… did I say that oops.
Oh man, that bites. I hope the grass springs up through there come springtime!
You gotta love it! What talent.
Yikes! That would drive me bonkers. Road spikes anyone?
It'll turn out ok. SOMEONE (not me, of course) keeps running off the side of our driveway while backing out and the grass seems to come back pretty well!
Ohhhhhhhh. That is terrible. Will your next post be sharing your experiences with their "customer service" department?
Everything will be fine. I drive like that out of our drive way. Those curves confuse me. But I am very safe whith kids in the car as long as don't close my eyes when I sing to Mariah Carey and keep at least one hand on the steering wheel when I dance.
Hey, we had someone do that to us when my brother was taken to rehab when he was 16. Except they drove all the way up on our grass and were yelling, "Narc!" at the time.
Too funny! The narrative, not the situation, of course. There are way too many people out there who need to re-take their driving test. And lot of them are "professional" drivers!
Great post! Thanks for sharing!
My husband does this EVERY WINTER!! Pisses me off beyond belief!!! The reason I drive most of the time now.
Super Shuttles don't kill people. Stupid Drivers that drive Super Shuttles do.
Hilarious! (and I'm sorry for your lawn)
I agree the with panel above...road spikes...
Maybe he swerved to miss hitting/runing over a sea kitten.
Sheesh! Nice of them to drop by and ruin a chunk of yard!
What a louse! {I just wanted to use that word and you gave me the perfect chance! Thanks!}
Sorry 'bout your yard...
Idiot! Since we moved here we've had our yard used as a turn around (NOT the driveway, our YARD), lost one mailbox to a car wiping it out, and another one from a bat swung at it during the night. I feel your pain. People are idiots.
WOW. Well, you really do have a super curvy road, so I can see why it was so hard for him to go straight....ughhh. Are they going to do anything for you?
I'm surprised he didn't go further into that big front yard of yours!!
wow could he go any further into your property!!
Oh my gosh.... what's his deal?!
I have something for you over at my blog...
ARGH!! I'm guessing they didn't pay for damages???
That dirty bastard!!!!! God, you crack me up!
I'm so sorry about your yard but I really appreciate the laugh! You are too funny!
Seriously, that would have mad my husband blow a fuse!
What the Fugly....? Maybe his GPS was off, tipping the bottle, or sniffing afrin (tehe)!
I'm thinking he was trying to read your blog on his crackberry and got a wee bit distracted.
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