Is it just wholly inappropriate to pay tribute to my period? I have to say, as much as I detest it for the bloating, mood swings and binge eating it causes, I also happen to love it for the bloating, mood swings and binge eating it causes. You see, I absolutely adore having an air-tight excuse for my bad behavior and complete lack of self-control. And when you include the Pre- and the Post- MS, I pretty much have the entire month covered. Sweet!
So, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to put on my son's sweatpants, take note of his filthy room while I am in there, so I can fly into a rage later, and then polish off the box of zebra cakes I started at breakfast.
Try to top that.

Yet Another Jay and Deb Production.
BAHAHAAHAHAHAHa Mine is next week sometime. Actually since I have so many peri-menopausal symptoms now and cramps that come willy nilly whenever they feel like it I'm glad it comes because I always think "Whew, it's over and this month will be much beter, I just know it.". BAHAHAHAHa There I go again, living in Denial Land.
Only you, Deb, only you.
I am SO glad I no longer have to have that monthly visit...I had a hysterectomy about 5 years ago. No excuses...if you get my drift.
I don't know about wholly inappropriate, but definitely unholy.
I haven't had a symptom in about 18 years (hysterectomy), but I find plenty of other things to blame my moods on. Low blood sugar, the ebb and flow of the tide (cause I was able to convince my husband that my mood changes with high and low tides), and most recentlt I can blame it on being peri-menopausal. I don't know if I really am or not, but hey, it works for me.
I LOVE it. And most definitely it DOES deserve a tribute. Got any cookies you could share? :)
I almost tributed the same thing - I thought I was five days LATE - yikes. Yesterday, I realized I miscalculated and that was all going to be my tribute.
Enjoy those zebra cakes!
And your period means you're NOT pregnant, which is always a good thing in my book!
LOL! Isn't that the truth?? But hey, don't tell any of the guys! :)
I second this! I love being able to blame my bad behavior on that "time of the month." And I love that no one really wants to know details about the "timing" so you can just use it to justify any little outburst you might have ... regardless of the time!
Thanks for being so honest and forthright about an important issue and highlighting how all us women can use this to our advantage! You are genius!
If you think you're having fun now once a month...wait until the hot flashes come, you can't get naked enough!!
AND I so agree with Ginger!!!
Love it! this was so funny and so true. And being in a house with all males makes it better because they dont know better!
I am so sad I don't have a period and can have unlimited zebra cakes.
I ditto the no baby thing. Not that I don't love them, but I'm just finally sleeping through the night after 6 years. I figure I have about 10 years to enjoy it before I stop sleeping through the night again thanks to teenage drivers and curfew breakers.
Viva la period!! (I know - I took Spanish)
Amen sister! :)
Does your family have a calendar posted with your pre, mid, and post time highlighted in different colors? Do they send out smoke signals to warn the neighbors?
Yeah Deb!! That is one awesome tribute! I love the frivolity going around this week and I need to jump back in to the tribute game when I'm good and ready. I'm learning that periods and french fried are as good as anything to give tribute to... :-)
Enjoy your "month" of excuses. :-)
Love your tribute Deb! Laughed alot reading this one! I figure Hubby gets 1 good week out of the month.. cuz i week I am pre, then I am bleeding... ( dont come near me... I might kill someone) and then I am post... ( still kinda cranky!) Great, great, great!
I was really disgusted when I saw your post title but you write a persuasive article and I agree. I can't believe I'm saying it, but I do.
I'm all for some fool proof 100% no excuse needed bitch time. My hubs hates it - but whatev! lol
That simply CAN NOT be topped. I will never look at Aunt Flo the same way again...
It is nice to have something to blame all the temper tantrums on, isn't it? And there is absolutely nothing wrong with paying tribute to it. It's something everyone can relate to. Women suffer & the men suffer from our suffering.
Could you pass me a bowl of ice cream or a Snickers bar please?
I have never thought of it like that! And excellent reason to pay tribute.
what the hell are zebra cakes? you eat zebras? damn that period of yours must be really rough if you're craving meat!!
That was funny!!!
This is a great idea! I echo your tribute because at 46, my period is dumping me because I'm too old now. I prefer cramping and crankiness to skin that is deteriorating to crepe paper-like appearance. Cramps you can hide; wrinkles you cannot.
I posted about this yesterday too! You are much nicer than me! LOL!
Haha, love it! I never thought of it that way, but I will keep it in mind once I start getting monthly visits again, for now I will blame 'post pregnancy hormones' for my bad behavior, unfortunately that excuse can only last so long, though.
I can't top that!
It does make me fly into a rage when I am mad at my husband and he asks if it is that time of the month. Arrrrgh!
You can fit into his sweatpants?? WTH??!
So have you heard of friends or family putting a plaque with the saying "Always kiss me goodnight" over their bed? Well if not, now you do (there is a moral here)...
Mine reads.."NOT now, I have a headache!!"
I just wrote something about, ahem, cycles...but I'm too chicken to post.
Yum, zebra cakes.
How cute, we're synced up! I am actually envious that my mom had a hysterectomy.
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