Priorities, people.

And although these:

and these:

and these:

All appear to the naked eye to be the same colors, I assure you they most certainly are not. Which do you think would look best with an orange jumpsuit? Don't forget to consider how it would look in both jail cell light (Amy, your input would be appreciated) and natural light (for my field trips to the side of the road to pick up trash).
Wow! I think I only have about 3 bottles of polish. I am an idiot when I come to stuff like that, and I always look like I just stuck my hands in a paint can.
I can relate! I always, ALWAYS find a "new" color that I think is just deeeelish only to bring it home and find that I have 20 versions of it.
Le Sigh.
You can't possibly be serious with this. Deb, you don't need that much polish. You just don't. Wait, do you?
I would have NEVER guessed you would have this much nail polish. I seriously thought you were saying you were out getting a man/ped somewhere and this was their selection! This is amazing. Truly amazing.
I am not sure what else to say except I am floored.
you are like a damn salon!
I guess it all depends on how much you use the colors… but I'm just being practical. Or, you could arrange each by shade and hue, catalog them and match them up with swatches of your various outfits (orange excluded) so you can find the perfect nail color for every occasion.
That's kind of like having 25 pairs of black shoes. They MAY look alike, but they are all different and special in their own way!
2nd picture, 5th one in from the left. You need something dark to offset the orange. Trust me. I know of what I speak. *ahem*
My daughter would think she was in nail polish heaven looking at that!
And a girl can never have too much pink!
I dont own any nail polish....back when I worked (HA ha ha ha.....actually I relaxed all day at a desk and got a paycheck) I would go get my nails done but it all ended when I went full-time mommy.
sorry Im no help with the colors...but if you let me come over and try some on I might be more helpful!
I just threw away my VAT of nail polishes a few weeks ago! Back when I was single and had zero responsibilities or things to do, I used to keep it in my coffee table (which was a trunk) and I'd take it out and paint my nails while parked on the couch watching TV.
Ah...those were the days.
How fun is your blog?! Love it. Dancing through blogs today - came in the side door from Shut the Door blog I believe.....
Thanks for the look/see....
I understand completely this! I can see the difference in each one of these!
None of those colors would go with those ugly orange jumpsuits that are issued when you go postal!!!
I swear I buy a new bottle every time I want to do my nails. Ridiculous! I have a problem...
LOL! I think I might own ONE bottle of nail polish. And I thin it's black. For halloween. LOL Where do you even keep all of it?!
I say ditch 'em all-go for whore red and INSIST on going retro in the black and white stripes. That would be so classy. It would even make the shackles "pop".
You could open a salon, methinks!
And do you know, does nail polish ever expire? I have ancient bottles and I wonder if I should just toss them.
We have very similar tastes in nail color. Maybe "tastes" was a bad choice of words...ANYWAY, in regards to your question. It really depends on the statement you want to make. I mean, go with a bright neonish pink and it might just blend in too much with the orange jumpsuit. If they give you a black and white striped jumpsuit, then definitely go with the bright pink because pink, black, and white are just too cute together. Choices, choices, choices.
What happens when you have 3 little girls running around the house..."Look at what I did." So where is the polish?? Oh, you should see the pretty wall (s)!!
I've been reluctant to buy the beautiful colors of nail polish...
I would pick the pink one..I mean the burgandy..well you have red??
I don't know. Third pic down they look very similar in color...and I know color, you know that...maybe it is the cool names they give them that fools you, LOL! :)
I have a dozen bottles of only-I-can-see-the-difference purple nail polish so I do understand. And another dozen of 'mauve', which is not at all purple no matter what some people think.
I think pink would be good in jail
I have two bottles! And I can't even do my fingernails. Everytime I do they break off into the nail bed. Only toenails for me.
BAHAHAHAHAHA Oh Deb, finally something we aren't alike on. I am terrible with my nails. I've only done nail polish like a dozen times in my life, never had a manicure and I THINK I have one bottle somewhere.
I don't think anything goes with orange, so let's hope you can avoid the orange jumpsuit!
YES! You are a woman after my own heart! Those are most DEFINITELY NOT the same colors...the same PALETTE maybe! ;)
Happy sorting! ;)
If I ever paint my nails, I'll come to you for supplies. You have more than my teenagers do!
Maybe it's your way of compensating for being the only girl in the house?
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