I woke up this morning to my dang dogs barking for food. They have some sort of weird hang up where they expect to be fed on a regular basis. Grrr... I was completely out of dog food, so I had to rummage around in the fridge to see what I could bear to part with. This is what their breakfast looked like (brats, rotisserie chicken, bananas and of course, pop tarts):

I received a full report from my ski bums yesterday. Moody Teen broke a binding trying to "land a 360", but after a quick trip to the repair shop, he was up and running again. He settled for "a 180", which apparently involves skiing off a ramp, flying through the air while turning 180 degrees, then landing backwards and then continuing to ski backwards until coming to (hopefully) an upright stop. All I can say about that is I am glad I wasn't there to witness it. And of course, today, he plans on chasing after that elusive 360.

One of my favorite bloggalpals is Ms. Dana over at Life is Good. She likes to think of herself as jaded and cynical, but beneath the hilarious, sarcastic, eye-opening humor is a lovely heart of gold (she's going to kill me for outing her). She makes beautiful handmade cards and I was lucky enough to receive one. She only made me beg a little...

Your son is quite ballsy. I don't do skiing. Too scary! How awesome is your husband! We're doing our Valentine's next weekend. It'll be much more relaxed without the crowds.
I bet your dogs were happy. Ours would love us forever with breakfast like that!
Those flowers are amazing!
Very nice!
I hope your kiddo lands the 360!
Aw, I'm glad your man came through! And what a pretty card!
Pretty, pretty flowers! My nephew just broke a binding doing the same thing...$150 later....
The doggie breakfast was cute! And finally, the card...LOVE it! So pretty!
But now that you've 'outed' her, she may make you HURT a LOT.
Glad Moody Teen's having such a great time. But I'm with you, there's no way I wanna watch that. Watching it on TV done by people I didn't birth is hard enough.
Funny. My dog expects to eat regularly, too. But as my husband likes to point out, "How is she going to poop if you don't feed her."
Glad you are enjoying your quiet weekend. I'd rather be home than skiing.
Roses= Pretty
Dog food= Yummy
Son= Too Brave
Card= Beautiful!
Your roses are beautiful. I love the vase it came in.
My son's dogs think they need to fed at a certain time too, and will stand next to their bed barking at 5 am. My dog will eat whenever we feed him..morning noon, night, he doesn't care.
Loved what you came up with to feed the dogs.
Wow, just reading about the ski adventures makes me nervous. I am WAY to clutzy to attempt skiing.
What pretty flowers! The handmade card is beautiful-- I hardly think someone truly jaded and cynical could make something so pretty:)
the flowers are gorgeous; the damn dogs ALWAYS want to eat; the kids are FAB, and Life is Good is good!!!
Oh, I can only imagine what your puppies smelled like after the brats - oy vey!
Kudos to the Hubs! I guess I made too big a deal about my thinking that Valentine's Day is just a Hallmark holiday, forced love, blah, blah, blah.
I did however get to take a two-hour nap today, wake up and watch an old episode of "America's Next Top Model" curled up in my quilt eating Twizzlers - now THAT is love :-)
You hub must have read my blog and didn't want to have to replace the glass. So glad you weren't witness to the agony of defeat stunt. And that card...now I know what to ask for next! It is gorgeous!!! That mean ol Dana is so talented. I don't dare call her sweet to her face.
Your flowers are great! What a nice surprise.
I am glad I won't be in your house when that food in their poor bellies decided it needs some...release!uughh,LOL
If I had known you were going to say THAT about me, I would have only sent you the scraps that were left from making that card! I AM mean, curmudgeonly and to be feared at all times. How dare you "out" me.
And you son? Never, EVER, leave them without proper supervision until they are in their 30's.
Your flowers made ME smile!
ANd the doggie dinner too!
What a beautiful card, and wonderful flowers!
I'm thinking the dogs were pretty thrilled to be out of food and get those tasty leftovers!
Oh gosh, I'd be so scared to see my son skiing.... I would rather be home, worrying instead. At least you were in a warm house?
How awesome that youwr man came through- that's really thinking ahead!
I have totally fed my dogs stuff like that... I once cooked them macaroni because I had nothing else.
Of course pop tarts for the dogs! That is hilarious! And good luck to your son with the 360 - but yeah, I wouldn't want to be there either. LOL
I haven't seen flowers in quite a few years, I say I really don't care but really I like getting flowers. What chick doesn't right? Nice work to your man - for making you feel all smiley inside - just like you deserve. :-)
Lovely roses! WTG, Hubby!
And I don't think I want to ever see my kids do a 360...maybe a 15?
The card is gorgeous. ONLY a 360? I'd be freaking out.
Happy Valentine's day. The roses are so pretty!
that is a beautiful card - and flowers!!
Don't you DARE check the cell phone records!!!! Just accept it and believe he planned it all along. Why ruin the illusion!
And looks like we'll have to look for your son in the X-Games someday! I hope my son doesn't grow up to be a daredevil -- I don't have the heart for it.
And I love your dog's breakfast. I'm sure they didn't mind. Mmmmmm...Pop-Tarts!
It would take alot to hand over my pop tarts!!
Beautiful flowers...
Love the new header!
Hope your Valentine's Day was sweet, just like you! Heart YOu!!
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