I had begun a worthwhile, thoughtful post about sportsmanship and parenting, but, I am sorry, I just have to get this off of my chest...
If my headache doesn't go away, today's travel across the entire lower 48, and up into British Columbia will be a huge nightmare for everyone involved (including innocent bystanders). It feels like a migraine, but I am sure it is just stress. Why do I do this to myself? We are all packed, we all have legal, current passports (by the skin of our teeth, as you will recall), and the pets have been whisked away to their caretakers. So what gives? Why can't I just relax and roll with it?
Part of it is the actual traveling itself. I am not big on flying, and I have cut back on the drugs I take after the Great Overdose Incident of '97. I, personally, don't really remember too many of the details, but my husband has still not recovered. If he's telling the story accurately (and not simply employing hyperbole to shame me), it involves the boys (then toddlers) running loose on the plane while I'm sprawled out on the floor, alternating between singing and puking.
Another part of it is my children. Although they have been traveling fairly well now for a few years, I just never know what will come out of their mouths, or when they will get into a giant throw-down over, well, anything and everything.
Oh, and of course we have somewhere between 8 and 85 pieces of luggage. Not only is skiing expensive, it requires way too much (heavy) equipment.
My immediate plan is to continue to blog while away. I am counting on my mood lightening and presenting you all with fun-filled, snow-laced posts of a perfect family get-away. Cross those fingers...

Fingers crossed...and here's to headaches going far far away!
Two non-drowsy Dramamine and a gin and tonic.
The only way to fly - you're so relaxed, yet no puking, guarenteed.
I get pre-vacation stress as well. In the olden days, I used to talk myself down from the cliff by thinking, as long as I had my birth control pills, I could buy anything else I forgot.
How nice that we've graduated to - now we can just buy anything else we forget ;-)
Send me a postcard!! E
Be safe Deb and have Fun!!!!
I don't know about migraines, but I tend to get headaches when I'm dehydrated, so drinking water tends to help (a few drinks on the plane won't hurt either).
Good luck with your travels.
My fingers are crossed for ya. What happened in '97, woman? Sounds like a blog post waiting to happen if you ask me.
I'm sure everything will go great. Really. I am. I AM SURE!
(Ok, maybe not, but really, how bad can it be? Don't answer that!)
Have fun and enjoy the white stuff! I can't wait to hear about it and see some pictures.
My doc wanted to put me on anti-anxiety drugs after our last family vacation! Go figure!
Singing and puking - my favorite combination!! Maybe we can get that going this summer??? :-)
Oh girl - the trip will be awesome - that is IF those 85 pieces of luggage arrive.
Have a drink and try to relax. You will have a great time :-)
Good luck! We had a lot of turbulance on our flight back from Vegas. I don't do well.
Have a wonderful time! I often wished I skiied just so I'd have an excuse to go to the mountains and drink in the beauty.
Here you can have my rose-colored glasses.
I have an extra pair.
I can't live life without them.
Have fun! Be safe! Don't forget to blog! And bring us back some snow, k?
I am sending you several pairs of rose colored glasses and some virtual Advil!
I am no fan of flying either...I am intrigued by the Overdose of 97 story...what the heck? Puking and singing? Children running wild in the aisles? Sounds awesome!
Wishing you a safe journey! Big hugs!
I thought I was the world's worst traveler. I always stress myself out...I don't even fly, I am too scared.
But I hope you have a great time, once you get to where you are going.
have a great time, hope your headache stays home...
I do the same thing to myself when we travel (though my meds have made a big difference). And tonight, I have a teensy trip - a 2 hr drive each way for a concert I'm SO excited to attend - but I'm already feeling a little stress.
The best thing you can do is make sure the important things are taken care of and let the rest of it go. If you forget something, you can either do without or replace it. If the kids say something, you'll probably never see the strangers ever again but you can hold it over the kids' heads forever.
Have a great trip, can't wait to hear the fun stories!
"I am counting on my mood lightening and presenting you all with fun-filled, snow-laced posts of a perfect family get-away"
Fingers crossed for you. Having had 2 boys I've never quite had a fun-filled, snow-laced perfect family get-away. EVUH! Fingers and toes crossed. And maybe eyes - when I dont need them for other things.
My vaca starts Sunday! I can't wait. 3 kids, small car, 8 hour drive, and a trunk-o-liquor. Good times...
Oh how I wish I was on that plane that day. =)
have fun. Relax!!!!
Oh my gosh... I am terrified to fly!!!!
How about dark glasses, a couple extra strength tylenol and a good stiff drink once you're on the plane? Lean back, breathe deep and relax! There's nothing left to do now but Enjoy. Have fun and tell us all a bout it .
I'm sure it will be fine but I do the same thing. I stress myself and get so uptight that I come within an inch of ruining the vacation.
You're ready, everything is ready, and everyone is ready. Now just enjoy!
Fingers and toes crossed! Have safe travels!
Have a great time. I hope you are going to my old back yard high in the Utah mountains for the greatest snow on earth. I am jealous.
I hope you medicated without over-dosing. the floor and the puking? Not fun for anyone....wait...I guess it's kind of nice for you, since you can't remember!
you can shoot for the happy medium. Like Eudai-Mamia said, Dramamine and a drink = a nice snooze.
I'm thinking of you!
Good luck!
Please at least ACT like you overdosed to make me laugh. Have a wonderful time. I will miss seeing you. Get it?! I will miss seeing you because you were supposed to be coming to see ME not some stupid snow capped gorgeous mountain!
Have a fabulous vacation!
Have fun! You deserve it! I hate to fly too, even though it is better than driving, I don't do well in enclosed spaces, etc.
see - that is why I stayed home!
have fun girlie!
my fingers are crossed Deb. XOXOX
Hey Deb, thanks for commenting for my anniversary! I'm here to stalk you nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)
Good lord, woman. Traveling is NOT relaxing. I hope the headache goes away soon.
Have fun skiing!
safe travels deb...I have never been a big fan of flying...Have a great time
I find that "getting" ready for a trip is filled with much hostility...WTH am I doing to myself? However once landing...all seems to come together..and yes dramamine is my best friend in flight...
Have a lovely safe fun trip! If you blog, great. If not, great. And I know that Dramamine can make someone really loopy! : )
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