So, yet another series in a series of series. Remember RootWatch '09? The 12 Panic Attacks of Christmas? Well, this new idea of mine, Teen Talk, could very well go the way of those, once I grow bored or get distracted, yet again. But enjoy, nonetheless...

I can't listen to this right now, but I was able to watch a bit, and I have to say, I think your hair looks lovely.
I would have suggested that one of the good things about having teenagers is that you no longer have to clean up vomit, but I recently cleaned up teenager vomit.
They cost a hell of a lot more than toddlers do, hands down.
Oh I just love your blog and now teen talk I am over the moon with bloggy love!! I have a teen....and it is EXHAUSTING!!!!!!
Princess Charlie is a teen 14 as of this month and I see her trying me at times, but I'm great at threatening and following through. LOL
If you need me just yell. I work for FREE. LOL
Ahh shoot, my computer won't play videos..guess it's the slow dial up connection. I saw your picture in slow motion though.
Oh my dear friend. Love your premise. I am ill prepared for the teen years so I am following this video diary for future reference. My 5yr old told me in response to,
"please pick up your clothes."
"whateves" and started walking away. Somehow the rest of what happened disappeared from the archives. Shall we say near death.
I don't think it's fair that we were exhausted as moms of toddlers and thought "hey, they going to be so much LESS work!" and then we find out they become teens and we are even MORE fricking tired. What is up with that?
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA Deb thinks my teens are good. I guess I haven't vented enough lately:)
1) Your hair and skin look great. I thought this was gonna be like a skin and hair care informercial.
2) I love when you sign off with "See you online."
3) I love the idea of Teen Talk.
4) I am glad I don't have teens.....yet.
Firstly, I must agree with everyone else that The Hair is looking FAB and ALMOST makes me want to consider giving up the red. But I just can't as my gray is nowhere near as cool as yours.
Secondly, must say that I'm dreading having two teenage girls only 2 years apart and will be calling you daily to cry and moan about it. Seriously.
Pee. Essssssss.
Thanks EVER SO for, yet again, coming up with an original concept/thought and not pimping it ad nauseum. You (and your blog) are truly a constant and consistent breath of fresh air.
Teens are terrorists who have moved into your home, and who are camping out (in hiding from the Security Services, of course) in an upstairs room you used to see the inside of once upon a time...
They are secretive, surly, non-communicative, except with other teen terrorists; They eat you out of house and home, they subvert your funds for their activities, demand money with menaces, and are bigger and stronger than you, and then they sometimes behave as if you had never loved them, and then they move out!
I still love mine, and I love your films!
I'm definitely not looking forward to the teen years...Princess Nagger is 6 going on 30 at the moment, so I have a little ways to go...but I'll be tuning in anyway because you can never start getting your ducks in a row too early! (grin!!)
Your hair look FAB! ;)
Love the Teen Talk!
The weird part is how it puts you right back to being a teenager: right back to wanting the cool kid (your kid) to like you. Somewhere deep down they love you; but you want them to LIKE you. And let you hang out with them.
I hope this whole live blogging doesn't catch on; then only good looking people will be bloggers!
(thanks for the encouraging comments you have left me... ;)
OH! Thank You for summing it up in a little more than three minutes! I also landed on a wonderful lot of Toddler Moms, and have often felt alone in my Teen Dilemas out here! I started blogging thread about being a mom of teen boys (called Mom Among Men) and am always scouring the net for more moms like you...and me! Thanks for posting Teen Talk, and I'll be watching for the next installment!
**Especially agree with the MENTAL aspect - yes, it never ends!
*** Thought A Woman of No Importance made an accurate description!
i really enjoy you....i have 2 young boys so i'm really interested in the lessons i can learn from you....keep blogging! you're awesome!!!
Actually it helps a lot that I just look at the other Mom's with good kids and smile, "I'm not very good at this. Don't worry, yours will NEVER be like this."
I always think raising teens is a lot like trying to follow what the crap is going on on Lost!
Great hair!
Last weekend as I dropped my terrorist teen off at a party I actually found myself telling him and his friends," No drinking...anything, no smoking, no snorting, no needles, no making out, no having sex, no watching others make out or have sex, no taking off your clothes, no taking off anyone else's clothes, no watching anyone take off their clothes", I went on and on with everything I could think of. I closed with the remark, "If you miss 1 of my calls or texts I will show up within minutes NAKED with your FATHER NAKED! Am I clear!!!!"
We have now gone 8 days without police involvement!!!! YEAH!
So funny....and I cant wait to see the upcoming videos. I love love love your videos and yes, your hair looked great!!
And did you really mention ME?!? Thanks!! And yes, I got luck with Mr. C....he is a good teen. But I promise the other two are not heading in the same path and I believe they will drive me to drink before they are old enough to drive. honest.
I'll be tuning in for sure. I'm gonna need this info someday, right? ; )
I LOVE this idea!!!! I'm SO into it. However, I still have cute and huggy toddlers! Who also talk back and tell me "NO!!!!! I DONT LIIIIIIKE IT!!!!!! STOOOOOOPPPPPPP! I'M NOT GONNA PLAY WITH YOU NO MORE!!!!!!!" LMAO!
Anyway I do want to tell you that you don't have the worst case of TB ever. My step mother does. But I think she got it on purpose. Does that make sense? No? Don't worry - I'll be posting about it soon enough. :)
Plot against their evil intentions, LOL! Gee I am real glad I am single and childless right this minute, toddlers puke and teens plot, geez! LOL!
gosh, i'm just new to the teen nightmare, and very afraid!
hahahaa...teens are wicked and naughty and evil and except mine!! lol she's not a teen yet, not til october......
Okay, those happy pills are going to be sticking around for a long long time.
I adore your video's by the way.
hee hee - my teens will be PREFECT when they grow up and if they aren't - I'm sending them to you!
I am sooo going to do what Harlene did - I am snorting with laughter, and I just made my teen terrorist laugh! x
I guess 11 almost 12 is a "tween" but our mental warfare exhausts me! Personally, I can't wait until he can drive and I can just send him to the store for milk when I don't want to listen to it anymore!
Oh my goodness. Deb, have I told you lately that I love you? You are awesome. I'm already laying guilt groundwork by asking my 8 year old son "will you always love me? Even when you're a teenager?" Even though he answers what I want to hear, I can already see signs of I-don't-like-my-momma a-brewin'
Heaven help me.
The teens make me yearn for the days of infancy. Back when I had hopes of them skipping the awkward adolescent years.
Ummm, HELLO!!! I am living your life with the bad rotten kids!!! That is why I can't ever blog because I am literally wanting to run away at times. We need to compare notes. On where we should meet when we escape.
...I too found myself when I began my blogging in the mix of a buncha "new mommies"..with cutsie little babies and toddlers. I do enjoy those blogs Don't get me wrong...but it's refreshing to meet some more "experienced" moms..that's probably not the best term...Anyway, as I'm trying to find my way out of this hole I just dug for myself---I'll just say, I enjoyed your "chat" and look forward to the next one! :)
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