Yes, it's true... I'm a recovering memeaholic. I want to share my story with you today to tell you it's okay. I am here for you, whether as an intervener or an enabler. I can do either. But for me, it's better if I don't go anywhere near them, as the temptation is still, and probably always will be, so strong.
I started off as a casual memer, just participating in one every now and again. It was an easy way to produce material without having to think too hard. When my mind was blank, the meme would be a quick fix. However, my recreational use soon turned to addiction, and I found myself sitting on my bathroom floor, laptop in hand, eyes glassy from a morning spent trying to figure out if my photo was indeed wordless or perhaps wordful. That's when I first suspected that I needed help.
But by then, it was too late. Not only was I memeing every day, I started supplying them to others. That's right, I became a dealer to help feed my habit. Pretty soon, my mind just shut off completely and I wasn't able to think for myself, or write any original material. That's when I knew I had to step away completely. Make a clean break. Better to go cold turkey and endure the pain of withdrawal than risk overdose.
So, I have been clean for a couple of weeks now. However, in honor of Friday's Feast (F2), a newer meme by the one and only CaJoh, in which I never got to participate, I am going to share a poem that Sweet Mr. Beans wrote. I solemnly swear that I won't link up. But I encourage all of you to check him out and play along... If you think you can handle it. It only takes once!
Ode to a Pork Chop
When the sizzling wonder meets my eyes
I seem to be hypnotized
I would like to savor
Its rich flavor
Why would anyone give it away?
That scrumptious little pork filet.
Oh, and I am allowed to comment on other people's meme posts. Really, my therapist said so.

Mmmmmmm, pork chops. What Spam aspires to be.
Step away from the meme, Deb, step away!
Thanks for the shout-out. I can see how they can get quite addictive. I try to avoid those memes that ask you to name several others— I think of those like chain letters so I refuse to participate.
Great poem Mr. Bean!
I'm with Kristina - mmmmmmm, porchops.
I use meme's too when I have nothing else to say. But now I try to only do them if I think they're really cute or fun. Otherwise I steer clear.
I'm telling you. I love my memes.... And lately - they're the only reason I've had posts! lol
I was disappointed when I read the title but now that I've read the post, I understand.
Commenting on meme posts -isn't that a slippery slop to writing memes?
I used to love me a good pork chop, but I can't eat them anymore. SOmething about the taste.
And then, I fell in love with pork tenderloin, but alas, that too is biting the dust...
On to moo moo cows...
I love Pork Chops.....and I want to know WHO cooks the pork chops that your son writes about?? Is it you?
And Mr. Bean did an awesome job on his poem.
OOOhhh yummy... thanks... gonna go fire up the grill!
stop by and pick up an award.... you didnt give those up too, did you??
Memes? Hmmm. I thought my vocab was decent, but I'm stumped. Will have to research the meaning of this . . . .
Well shoot. Anyway can be forgiven for falling off the wagon for a pork chop poem meme.
with all the latest events I really like your thought pattern here. It does become a vicious cycle of feeling like you have to come up with something to please the MEME Goddess's. I am probably never going to have followers for that comment but so be it. I do this for me, no one else.
Mr. Bean is a budding genius.
hahaha too cute!! i too am an addict i am afraid :(
That's the best ode to a pork chop I've ever read. Seriously, there are none better... ; )
I know I have a problem now. Thanks for the intervention.
I like to read everyone's meme's when they tell about themselves. I have had blogger's block lately.
Guess I am going to have to get myself arrested so I can blog about jail. Just kidding.
food poems? Cool.
I hate pork chops though. LOL
Mr. Beans is a cutie-pie. And he's right: pork chops taste gooood.
brilliant post, laughed A LOT..mmmm, now need pork chops for dinner lol!
His poememe made meme hungry.
I understand what's behind your humor, and admire you for doing what's best for you.
Did you happen to serve applesauce with that pork chop? Mr. Bean is brilliant.
Bean didn't fall too far from the pod, eh?
Will you offer absolution of my sins and guilt over not passing on awards? Seriously? I need help getting over all that.
I totally need to quit my job, I didn't even know what a meme was...and if there is going to be "judging" and a hierarchy to blogs, I may have to bow out. I thought all this was for fun!
I am absolutely enabling you to meme away!
LOVED this post. I'm pretty sure I'm a addict....I'm glad you are allowed to comment.........:)
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