So it's official... Spring has sprung. Everything is green. No, literally, everything... my car, the sidewalks, the dogs... there is a lovely lime green dusting of pollen blanketing my little corner of the world, and it's making my life hell. I want to claw my eyes out, they itch so badly. Everyone's coughing and complaining. Headaches abound. Sneezes echo throughout the house.
Then there are the animals. A rather large snake in the gutter. A groundhog out on his daily jaunt, before scurrying back into his hole. Deer parking themselves on the driveway, taking their own sweet time getting out of the way (hello, deer? we have a bus to catch!). They don't want to be hurried while scoping out their dinner options (hostas or azaleas?). Bats flying a little too low for comfort. Thankfully, no swine in sight. Oh, and the horses. The expensive show horses that live next door. They have now been sprung from their barn and are galloping free. Only problem is now we have to be extra quiet, as we don't want to scare them (God forbid!).
But as annoying (and frightening) as they all are, these signs of life renew my spirit. Maybe I am just relieved because now that there are leaves on the trees again, I feel hidden away from everyone (which I love). Like it's just me and my little family, alone together. Or maybe all the pinks and reds and yellows from the roses and lillies and peonies brighten my mood. Or maybe I am hyper aware that spring leads us ever closer to summer vacation, which is the ultimate cure-all.
But what I suspect is going on, is God is gently, and ever-so-pleasantly, reminding me that my little problems aren't very earth shattering. Seasons continue to change, life continues to bloom and I need to start looking at all the beauty around me and stop thinking everything revolves around me. Because if, in fact, it did, trees would grow kleenex, and deer would serve me ice cream in bed, while they pack the boys' lunches and find my husband's keys.

I like your world - deer serving ice cream and packing lunches, trees with kleenex - that sounds divine!
As I read this I am popping a Claritin. #&^@%!
It really is amazing though how the warmer temps, the smell of flowers and the bright sunshine can make everything look just that much better. I love (and hate) this time of year.
And of course the world doesn't revolve around you. Wrong Deb. It revolves around THIS Deb. Sorry for the confusion. *ahem
Snake in the gutter?!?!
Thanks for reminding me to call my doc and check on my Allerx refill. Seems she's questioning whether I need to come in for a check up.
Anyone know a good drug rep?
Oh I wish the deer in our yard would serve ice cream too..instead of eating everything planted in our garden.
I really love your perspective and how life goes on and that it doesnt revolve around any of us.
I love Spring but mine sounds much like yours- a blanket of pollen- a bottle full of allergy pills, oozing watery eyes.
I still love it though.
It beats a clear head on a freezing cold day!
Spring is in the air, but all we've got to show for it down here is rain, rain and more rain. At least it's washing the pollen away.
Spring is in the air and my allergies are screaming!!! UGHHH.. cant we just get to summer now?
I will take the allergies, just dreading the 198 degrees of summer. Deer? OMG they would mounted on my son's walls. Want me to send him your way?
spring and allergies don't mix...but gotta go through it to get to the good stuff, the sunshine and ice cream!!!
Today is GORGEOUS, and it makes me so happy!
The last line is quintessential Deb. And I love her. :) I think it's about the process and not the destination. You are tuned in and that's more than a lot of people can say.
What a beautiful post Deb. I love this one. Yes, all you. So YOU.
Kleenex growing on trees huh? Classic. I need one of those in my backyard for sure!
And Claritin - I'm on my way to popping one of those beauties.....
Happy Wednesday.
This is truly beautiful Deb. I definitely enjoyed reading this today. :)
Your world sounds a lot like that world in that Beatles' song...I forget the name of it, of know, the one with "kaleidoscope dreams, blahblahblah". I know you know it.
Spring brings me that perspective too, even if I'm still grumping a lot of the time :)
I am a Zyrtec guy. It has made the past 2 springs bearable and enjoyable for me and I live in the pine forest. MY Black Tahoe is pure yellow with pollen.
We have deer in our yard. Last night at 3:20am I was awake ( insomnia ) and listened to the coyotes call to each other. Spring is kind of cathartic for the soul.
I second that. All of it.
Except that the world doesn't revolve around me. Can it be?
If only, trees grew kleenex! Great concept!
Wow! Get out of my head!
Today is thankfully like 60, such a nice day, jeans and a sweater is perfection!!! Yesterday I died of heatwave but SPRING is gorgeous, please stay Spring, I am NOT ready for ucky Summer!
. . . AND the owls would wake you up hoo hooing all night long!!
I love the beauty of spring, but I hate the heat that comes with it. It is a signal to me of six months of sweaty, humid, and hot misery. I'm more of a fall girl :)
I do like the idea of deer bringing my ice cream, though. :) And thank the Lord for allergy meds! I don't know if I could stand spring without them.
I agree Deb, what's so great?
I suffer from allergies and it ain't purdy!
Spring in Michigan is psychotic. 30odd degrees one day, 70 the next. Rain, then sleet, then snow, then blazing sun. The grass will be so green, and the trees will still be brown. It makes me feel psychotic as well "Oh man it is so nice out. I want to wear shorts!" then "I am SO fricking cold. What the hell is up with this wind?". Yeah, I'm a blast to be around. BAHAHAHAHAHA
That sounds like a Alice and Wonderland movie...Deb style..hmmmm?!:)
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