Even though I am allowed to be wordy on Wordful Wednesday, the details are just too weird and complicated to get into. Suffice it to say, I am now legally allowed to reside and drive in the United States of America. Yay!
I will say, since I can't just leave well enough alone, that how this all went down only encourages my bad behavior. The passport came in record time, without a word about my expired license being used as documentation. I waltzed right into the DMV with my new passport and scored a new driver's license without having to take the written or driving tests (I did almost fail the vision test, however. Oh, but no fights!). I don't know if I learned any lesson at all. I guess we'll find out in seven years, when it comes time to do this all over again.
So, all things considered, I suppose it serves me right that I look like I am hoarding nuts for the long winter inside my cheeks.
For more fun and photos, go visit my girl Angie!
LMAO!!! Go Deb!!! You show 'em!!!
Love the pic, by the way. ;)
Oh Deb, that makes me feel good about my license pic which is scary. Not that yours is scary...you look like you are smiling and gritting your teeth at the same time. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA Going to the DMV will do that to a person:)
That reminds me...I've been back in Texas now for nearly 4 years & I still need to get my TX license....I had moved to AZ for awhile, but that license doesn't expire until 2040!!!! That's right....they're drivers licenses are good for 35 years!
Congrads Deb! Yahooo... and even better that you didnt have to get pissy at them!
WOO HOO good for you. How long did you stand around there waiting-mine took 2 hrs!
Oh and I noticed the little organ donar heart on yours I had that added to mine this time. I told hubs though to not let them give up on me because they see it, I said to hide my license from them and don't pull the plug!
Hey! We have almost the same Birthday, year and everything!
Yay! Kudos for being an organ donor. I may need one.
That is a great picture! Now I hate you.
I'm so doing the happy dance for you!
Join me won't you - a little cabbage patch, smack your bootie, sprinkler - repeat.
Way to be legal!
Who says that Driver's license pictures have to be bad. You look good despite your affinity to having a little cashews between your cheek and gums.
I can't believe they let you smile in your picture! Here in NC you can't smile at all. We all look like angry zombies in license photos.
I think you look good in your pic. And I would fail my vision test if I went there and took it right now. Thank goodness I got a renewal sticker to put on the back of my license and didn't have to go to the DMV. Now I can drive while I'm possibly blind and nobody will know. "Breakin the law, breakin the law"
No kidding, what are you trying to do showing us a license with a cute picture?!?
Now I need to go get a new license too. ;-)
Hahaha! That's awesome that after all was said and done, you totally got everything the way you wanted. How does Hubs feel about it all?? ;)
You should be fined for such a great DL picture. That's just wrong.
Oh, that is not a bad DMV picture. I just had to have a new picture taken after walking around for the past 20 years looking like a 21 year old. My current picture.....I look like I am bleeding from the corners of my eyes!
Well I'm glad you got it all taken care of, regardless of the lesson learned. I was starting to think I really was gonna have to go in your place.
And I'm older than you. (&$@^*#)
Way to go, champ!!
And I will refrain from all comments regarding what you are holding in your cheeks.
See? I am trying this approach instead of telling you how pretty your smile is...compliments appear to be the devil's work these days.
You look awesome Deb!
Congrats! Way to be legal!
I can hear the National Anthem playing when I read your post! My license expires in 2035! Oh yes it does!
What a load off of your mind! Congrats!
BTW, you have only the BEST driver's license picture in history. You can see the happiness at getting it back without a fight written all over your face :)
too funny - check that off your list now!
I think you just look very, very happy!
Glad to hear you are all legal again!!!
Nothing like a good license photo!
I'm so glad you are legal now. And I've never seen a drivers license picture as good as yours...usually they look like a wanted poster. lol.
There are no nuts in there that I can see. You're so ridiculous and congrats on taking the wheel!
YOu must have some good karma that came your way.......congrats on your new status! Your photo is great, too!
Yay! You're legal! Now you can go buy wine and not worried about getting carded.
So now you are a nut-hoarding-squirrel-marionette! Too cute! And YAY for you ... I'm glad you don't have to flee the country to outrun the long arm of the law!
Im glad it all worked out....and you didnt have to admit to your hubby that you did something wrong. That would have been worse than missing the trip. Have a great time!
That is a cute pic!!
Good gawd at that big, cheesy grin. Are you happy?
You look ecstatic to have gotten away with it all!
Nuts??? More like a mug shot...JK
Just barely know you and already calling you a felon...because you totally stole my heart!! AAWWWW did it work? Have you at Hello??
That's a great picture for a license. And I'll have to remember to come wish you a happy birthday. Mine is the 16th. ;)
Oh, and by the way, the bobby? Rocks!
Thanks for pointing it out to me. :-)
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