Somehow, I am lucky enough to have the most incredible people in my blog life. And I use that qualifier only because the people in my "life" life aren't so great. So, when I began blogging, I thought, in a way, it would be simply an exercise in self-exploration. Why would "blog" people be any different than "real" people?
But we all found each other, one way or another, and thus the journey began. I told you my secrets and you didn't roll your eyes (or maybe you did, but at least you had the good manners not to tell me about it!). I expressed my fears and you offered comfort and sound advice.
And like a petulant child, I keep testing you over and over again. Pushing the limits to see if you'll finally just throw up your hands in exasperation and hit "delete". But look! You are still here taking care of me. Like the smart girl I can sometimes pretend to be, I am not going to question it... I am simply going to embrace it.
But I have to tell you, if your still hanging around because you think you are going to get some really cool prize, don't hold your breath. All I can offer is a shoulder or an ear... oh, and I am really good about not saying "I told you so"... I save that for my husband.
I guess what all this means is... thank you.

All that and NO quaaludes? Really?
And don't sell yourself short, YOU are the prize.
Happy Day - E
oh crap- what did I miss? I don't get it what happened? Thta's what I get for going to the freaking zoo and have a life and something happens in my blog world- I should never leave my computer!
Glad you're feeling more together today.
Your welcome. This is after all what we're here for, no?
Much love and glad you got your groove back Stella.
I agree with Em, you da bomb, sister. You have been there for me and my meltdowns, I will ALWAYS be here for yours. If we happen to have ours simultaneously, I say we do those quaaludes.
so glad you are feeling better!! sometimes we just need to have one of those days! i know!! we can't be all heroic and strong and balanced everyday, especially when we have that "elephant" in the middle of the room!! take care!!
um...i don't get on here for one day cuz my kids sick and I miss you having a moment?!?! or was it pms? idk. i will have to look back and find out.
I don't know you (outside of blogland) but I look forward to reading about you everyday. I think it's because I'm nosey, but you are a breath of fresh air in the midst of life. You are real, girl!And just remember your motto...Typical day? Two steps forward, eight steps, a couple of knock-downs, and maybe a nervous breakdown or two, back
And even if you were slipped some Quaa's...what's wrong with some assistance every now and then?
I've been surprised to see how wonderful the bloggy community is. There are some pretty terrific people out here, that's for sure.
The blog community Rocks my socks off!! I'm so happy you are feeling better! As I said before I'm here and I don't need a stinking prize when I have YOU. :)
I'm with Em! You are the prize!!!!
You know I love ya!
Have a fabulous weekend!!!
Oh Deb - thank goodness you are feeling better as the weekend hits. Nothing worse than having a breakdown over the weekend. I say mid-week is the best time for those.
So bring on the happy weekend lady!! :-)
Came from Vodka mom's. And although I don't know your story, I do believe that bloggers blessings really do help. Sedning you some from aloha.
Your breakdown was certainly well planned. Enjoy the weekend and next time make sure your hubs has some 'ludes for you.
So glad you're back.......I love reading what's on your mind...somedays you make me laugh out loud....actually, most days you do.....that's why I was so taken aback by that post.....but it was honest......and we all love a little honestly, don't we??
~Colleen, PA
We all have ups and downs - only natural that our blogs would reflect this. Hope things are coming around a bit for you.
You are wonderful.
I don't do the prize thing either. Maybe we can start giving each other prizes?
Right back at ya babe!
That's what kindred spirits are for!
don't mention it. We all gotta stick together.
Isn't the blogosphere a wonderful world? :) Glad you're feeling better today - sorry I was absent and missed the meltdown yesterday, I would have sent you a hug...but I'll do it now anyway! ;) ((HUGZ!))
I with Tena....gotta go back and read. But before I do, I love reading your blog daily. Sometimes, I don't have time to leave a comment....ok, Im off to catch up.
Are you suuuuuure there were no ludes in your coffee?
I am glad you are feeling more chipper, chicky!
When people first meet in real life, they present themselves as they know the other person will "accept".
In blogland, some people do that to impress, and get, readers.
Those of us who show our scars, only gain "readers" who have the same scars and bond. I do believe that if we met in person NOW, we could say "Hey! I know you!!" with all the get acquainted crap in the garbage.
Here for you in real life too. Dana
What? No prize? I am so out of here:)
I'm very glad you are feeling better. I didn't think that really sounded like you.
Lot of good people here in Blogland. It constantly amazes me how bloggers support one another.
Glad you're feeling better....
I'm so glad you are feeling better. Sometimes you just need to ride the wave and you'll come out on the beach and go suntanning! And to be spoiled rotten by love and understanding is the best way to be spoiled! : )
I'm glad you are feeling better. I think we all have those days.
I love the bloggers I have met. No one judges...they are just there for you.
...and i thought my Saturday was a mess. It's good to know we are not alone.
I am glad that you are feeling better. You're an amazing person and mother. You have to live life with your greatest fear always in the back of your mind yet you do so with clarity, sanity, and above all, humor. You're a great role model, Deb. I hope your family appreciates you as much as we do!
Without a doubt, I know you'd hold my hair back if I were bowing to the porcelain god. Consider this the same. You are so likeable and giving, it is easy to "be there" for you.
Glad you are feeling better!
Don't we all have days like those!?! Some may last longer than a day
Glad you're feeling better!
Take care!! ;0)
okay what did I miss - off to read about it
That's something I love about blogging, too. You're the bomb. I'm not going anywhere, lady. :)
what? no prize? SON OF A.....I'm gettin' the hell outta here.
wow your a rock star and without the drugs!!!!
stoppin by to say Hi tryin to get caught up...
Wait...there's no prize? I don't get to be your therapist? NO??? WHAT???
Kidding of course,
I can't even therapize myself.
I think you rock whatever mood you're in.
No prizes? Really? I will settle for the laughs and the great advice! :)
Its amazing isn't it?! I only wish my "real" friends were all so real. I am glad you are on the upswing!!
Aaaw Deb. Thank You for being such a good friend!!
The last few weeks have gone by like my hotflashes, Ibs, girl drama, and, furious, and painful! I've been up since 1 am with my head swimming in thoughts....seriously, as if I didn't have more important things to be SLEEP!
Sorry, came here first to see how my sweet Deb was doing. Hugs this fine morning..:)
Geesh, I was just thinking yesterday that I was so amazed you, and my other bloggy friends were still coming around to my blog after my lame posts lately. I have never rolled my eyes at you:) It would be like rolling my eyes at myself and that would be well, weird!
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