I heard a loud crash in Moody Teen's bathroom this morning, while he was showering. I rushed in to discover the ENTIRE shower curtain/rod lying on the bathroom floor, while MT continued to shower. Uh, hello? You want to, maybe, pick that up? He started to yell at me, and it did finally occur to me that he was naked, so I closed the door to let him handle things with some dignity and privacy.
Well, well, well, I went upstairs to start my regularly scheduled waking of the lizard, making of the beds, etc and I happened to glance into his bathroom. Silly me, thinking perhaps MT would have, at the very least, picked up the curtain/rod combo and tossed it into the tub. And I just love the added touches of the UNcapped toothpaste tube on the rug, the toilet paper off its roll, and the random bit of foil in the sink. Oh, and let's not forget the ever-present wet towel wadded up on the floor. And even though decorum dictated that I did not photograph it, yes, there is pee (I hate that word, but urine sounds so nerdy) in the unflushed toilet.

Ugh, boys are such slobs. Seriously. I shudder to think what my house would look like if, God forbid, something ever happened to me. Last night I kept wondering what in the heck that smell was coming from the bathroom. It smelled like a cat had marked his territory. We don't have a cat. It was my husband's bath towel. How do you not NOTICE that smell when drying yourself off???
Males are gross.
They do NOT know how to pick up after themselves. Do they not see that pile of shit they are having to STEP OVER?
I feel your pain...
Well, at least he's showering. I guess all the blood is leaving his brain for some reason and he's just being lazy as a side effect.
Ugh. BOYS. Just know that some poor, unsuspecting girl will steal him from you and have to clean up after him. ;)
Sadly, I doubt he'll grow out of it. What a mess!
Sadly this is what is in store for me all too soon, boys are slobs. We just had clean out 2009 for Wyatt's room yesterday where I thru away no less than 40 pounds of Junk.
How lovely. I think it's just in their genes, unfortunately. Love the random piece of foil in the sink, by the way. Wonder how the heck that got there.
Don't you just love cleaning after men! They never even think that someone else may need to use the bathroom!
Oh crap...you mean they don't get neater as they get older????
I actually think girls are worse!!
Sounds like my home and looks like my teenagers bathroom! God Bless us!
I hear your pain. Switch the wall color to orange and add not all the pee getting in the bowl (a 6 yr old boy to thank for that) and you have my kids bathroom just this morning. Ugh!!
Thanks for the post. It's nice to see shared filth experiences.
I'm with Kristina on this one - I shared a sorority house bathroom with 22 other girls. I still have flashbacks.
The one good thing about their ease around disgusting things - they're just as happy to use that mildewy towel that's been sitting on the floor for two weeks as a fluffy one right out of the dryer.
Leaving the shower curtain on the floor however, frustration! I'd say leave it, but then you would just have to clean up the water the next time he steps over it to take a shower.
You just described every one of our bathrooms.
Pretty sure WE are the dirtiest people you know. Give the kid a break. His hormones are raging.
P.S. STILL digging the hair!!
It scares me to think what my house will look like when my kids are teens--it seems so veryvery bad now!!
LOL, It could have been worse. I was starting to have visions of a scattered scene from Something about Marry.
I am such a AA++ personality clean freak I may have gone into orbit after coming across this scene.
Ugh...I am going through the same thing with Tween Caveboy...it must be some dumb male gene...
Can you imagine how horrid our homes would look if we weren't here to combat a portion of it?
That sounds like my boy now. And he's 5. You're telling me this doesn't get any better? WTF??
Tube of toothpaste on the rug, mmmmmmmmmm... I can just taste the hair now.
I have an MT, too and I hear ya. I have walked in on my son in the shower also to screams- I think the less I know with him- the better.
I think I'm frozen with fear right now. I'm so outnumbered over here.
My only female ally is the dog and she's not very tidy.
....Is THAT what I have to look forward to??.... oh.....my..... I suddenly am glad I've got two female dogs in my house... otherwise I'd be totally outnumbered....
This, as my hubs walks by and farts... omg...
This stuff drives me CRAZY! I go on strike on a regular basis. Problem is, it never last long because I can't stand living like a slob, unlike other people I live with!
Hey, I have three boys, 5, 4, and 8mos. I am just glad if pee goes in the toilet these days!
Somehow it reaches a peak and then subsides a bit. The Son got a tad better after he spend some time working in a restaurant where he had to clean the bathrooms each night. It was a good learning experience for him. {*grin*}
You forgot the over application of cologne at that age and the lingering stench of french bawdy house in the bathroom. I could tell when the Son had a date by the overpowering smell of cologne 40 feet down the hall way an hour before he left. It's good that both girls and boys go hormonal at the age - otherwise they'd all gag to death from the scents.
You just caused me to be THRILLED with the shower door. I think I'll just rent a jack hammer to get the calcium stains out of the track.
Funny post! Sounds like a typical boy.
Our bathroom pretty much looks like this all the time between my husband and two teens plus the 9 year old girly who gets toothpaste ALL over for some odd reason. This week the entire house looks like a tornado hit it. ugh.
When I see the mess my 9 year old already leaves...I shudder to think that it could be worse when he's a teenager. Ack.
Oh crap and damn. But I'm going to have to show you the only way out of this. I call it GESTAPO 101:
Clean the bathroom, then lock the door. When he needs to get back in there give him his choice: (1) leave it as he found it or (2) use the gas station
Then, if it ever, ever happens again, take the entire mess to his bedroom and leave it on his bed. He can use the bathroom again AFTER he has returned it to the way he found it.
Darlin, there is NO excuse for such disregard for your feelings.
HA HA HA!! Love those little things you pointed out...I mean they are LITTLE things right?
But you add them all up, and it's ONE BIG THING!!
You crack me up.
I laughed.
Then I thought, "Hey, no fair. He leaves his wet towels in a heap in the bathroom."
One of my girls takes her wet towels to her pigsty bedroom and leaves them on the floor until forever.
Wish I could pee (urinate) standing up!!! Sorry...just came to my mind. Gross. It could be unwrapped pads..that's even worse..now I need the toilet!!
Sounds like a normal day here too.....kinda makes you want to run away someplace where they dont allow men or boys.
oh - so I see that my 5 & 7 year old will continue to do this for the next 10 years??? That is what their bathroom looks like now!
I was hoping to read this and then see a picture that would make me feel better about my lot but I have to say, your house is looking pretty good. That can't be good news for me.
Oh, I feel your pain! My house does that too. So fast my head spins. And no, my sons don't understand at all.
Hilarious. Cracks me up that MT is so abusive on top of being inconsiderate and unapologetic. I'm not a mom of teen yet, but I admire your ducking out when you realized his dignity was at stake.
Oh Good Lord, HELP ME. I fear what I have awaiting me in the teen years. Here I thought preschoolers were a bit sloppy...
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