Monday, December 29, 2008

MISSION: Monday - FINAL Grand Prize Entry!!



Today is your Last Chance to enter the Grand Prize Drawing, and the winner of the Grand Prize will be announced, and their blog featured, next Monday, January 5th.

As you probably know by now, the Grand Prize is a Deb-and-Jay designed GiftBasket that currently includes:
  • a $100 Ruth's Chris Gift Card
  • an MP3 Player
  • $30 in Itunes Credits
  • and MORE!!!

Now if you remember the Spirit of MISSION: Monday, it is to share with you good and deserving blogs that you may not already be following. With this being the last "MISSION: Monday" of the year, we have selected FOUR outstanding blogs that are worthy of your perusal, and we hope you visit and comment often!

For this finale week, we are hiding the identities of the bloggers, and simply giving will want to click them and discover why they are worth a visit for yourself!!

Blogger #1 - This beautiful woman is a staple of the blogging community we have become a part of, and has been a constant touchstone for a lot of us, I have noticed. She was one of the first bloggers I met when I started, and I'm a big fan of her site and work.
Blogger #2 - Only recently I found this woman...another stunner, coincidentally...and I have mentioned her before in my blogging. She is an amazing photographer, and her pictures and writing are incredibly moving.
Blogger #3 and Blogger #4. - Finally, this is something a little different...two bloggers who work together, much like Deb and I, they are blog buddies. Both love to write, and both have quite the edgy view on life, love and sex...

So here's what to do:

Step 1. Fill out a Mr Linky below to get a Dec 29th Grand Prize entry for this week:

Step 2. Visit each of the 4 featured blogs. You aren't required to do anything once you get there, we just hope you find them to be great blogs to follow. Read them, maybe leave a comment, simply have fun. But if you want to earn MORE Grand Prize entries, see below.

Step 3.mark your calendars to come back! (or better yet, just come back every day, so you never miss a thing!) We will run this Monday promotion today, December 29, close the Mr. Linky to entries at 12am EST, and finally we will draw for the Grand Prize GiftBasket, post the winner, and feature their blog on January 5th.

Wanna earn 2 entries to this giveaway instead of 1? Simply pick one of the blogs above, go learn 2 specifics about that blogger, and email them to Deb. She will put you down for 2 entries instead of one. And on top of that...

Wanna earn 3 more entries? Go Here

Four great blogs await your discovery, Blogger Agents...make us proud.

The Agency consists of Deb and Jay at Dirty Socks and Pizza and HalftimeLessons...make sure you bookmark us both, as we have some other gems to share...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Et Cetera

Well, it's over... All in all, it wasn't horrible (although parts of it certainly were) and I survived. I only cancelled next year's Christmas once, but then I realized Christmas really will be cancelled (or altered) next year because we will be on our big trip. We are going to Israel and Jordan, and possibly Egypt over Christmas break '09 and I can't wait for the change of venue. It's a year away, but I am already feeling like I am behind in my preparations. Does anyone know if you can board a Chinese water dragon?

Anyway, the boys have gotten to spend some quality time with their friends. Mr. G and gang went caroling on Christmas eve in their speedos, which was quite the hilariously disturbing sight. Most of his friends are out of town now, so hopefully he will catch up on his homework. Mr. B is off paintballing with his little crew today. Those two know how to enjoy their downtime.

Hubs is on vacation, which is rare for him. He is usually back at work, leaving me to entertain the sister in law. However, this year, he doesn't have to go back until Jan 6. I will be so sick of him, but at least he can deal with his sister. Today, they are off to yet another Civil War battlefield and I am home, basking in the quiet.

Santa, per usual, was very generous to me. I have my very own laptop now and I am so happy. I love it so much (and you, too, Santa!). Oh, and I scored some seriously awesome boots that deserve their own post. Of course, it hasn't dipped below 60 since I got them.

We are all so desperate for snow that we have decided to skip town for a quick ski trip next weekend. We are going with another family so we will all have a ski buddy. We all ski at completely different levels, so we never see each other on the slopes, and it's no fun skiing alone.

I have been baking and eating. Chocolate cake, Toffee, pie... I have been showering sporadically and I haven't shaved my legs in weeks. I've been extraordinarily and unapologetically lazy. Here's a self-portrait for your viewing pleasure.

I have been thinking about all of you... Little things will happen or I will see something that reminds me of one of you, and I will smile. I almost hugged a woman that HAD to be Em...drinking a chocolate peppermint milkshake from Chik-fil-a. Was it you??? Did you head North looking for me? And I swear I saw Jill (in her fantastically fluffy boots) pinching Saddam Hussein's butt in the mall.

Love and warm holiday wishes to you all!

PS: Don't forget to come back tomorrow for your final opportunity to enter our MISSION: Monday Grand Prize Giveaway Extravaganza. No thanks to me, it promises to be a fun one. 

Monday, December 22, 2008

MISSION: Monday and Grand Prize Giveaway



And there are only 2 Mondays left until the Grand Prize Drawing on December 29th, and you have the ability to enter MULTIPLE TIMES to win. When you play each Monday, you get an entry each time you play, so make sure you come back each Monday!! But if you play EVERY week, you get one entry for every week you play! Plus, see below for ways to get even MORE entries!!

The stakes are getting higher, too...

The year end drawing will be for a Deb-and-Jay designed GiftBasket that currently includes:
  • a $100 Ruth's Chris Gift Card
  • an MP3 Player
  • $30 in Itunes Credits
  • and MORE!!!

We keep adding to this prize as the weeks go on, so it only pays to come back often and play!

Now if you remember the spirit of MISSION: Monday, it is to share with you good and deserving blogs that you may not already be following, and this week is no exception. We have selected three blogs that are worthy of your perusal, and we hope you visit and comment often!

Jiggety Jigg (Author - Jenni... Ever the cute, popular girl with the quick wit and fantastic shoes who loves to take pictures of her feet. Jenni was one of the first bloggers I met when I started, and given her stats, you seem to be loving her too!!)
Perfect Pen (Author - Young Momma...go check her out...but dont bring up cars or lawyers around her)
Frogs In My Formula (Author - Mrs. Mullet (or Nutjob)...There are only a couple of bloggers who make me laugh out loud, and she is may not have been reading her, but you seriously need to be.)

So here's what to do:

Step 1. Fill out a Mr Linky below to get a Dec 29th Grand Prize entry for this week:

Step 2. Visit each of the 3 featured blogs. You aren't required to do anything once you get there, we just hope you find them to be great blogs to follow. Read them, maybe leave a comment, simply have fun. But if you want to earn MORE Grand Prize entries, see below.

Step 3.mark your calendars to come back! We will run this Monday promotion today, December 22, and finally December 29th, and after which we will draw for the Grand Prize GiftBasket.

Wanna earn 2 entries to this giveaway instead of 1? Simply pick one of the blogs above, go learn 2 specifics about that blogger, and email them to Deb. She will put you down for 2 entries instead of one. And on top of that...

Wanna earn 3 more entries? Go Here

Three great blogs await your discovery, Blogger Agents...make us proud.

The Agency consists of Deb and Jay at Dirty Socks and Pizza and HalftimeLessons...make sure you bookmark us both, as we have some other gems to share...

Friday, December 19, 2008


I mean, really... REALLY?! Should I be expected to telepathically know that I am not supposed to use the hair dryer while the outside Christmas lights are on (don't bother wondering why it is 5:00 pm Eastern and i am just now getting a shower)?! Is there some sort of connection I am supposed to make? Oh yes, it's called GFI, I believe. Mr. Nasty Rude-Head was muttering something about that as he went storming down the stairs to the fuse box (is that what it is?). I quickly tried to make myself scarce, but did manage to catch, "First the #$*%^ toilet and now the *#$%^ breaker!!" 

I guess my cover's blown.

Oh, and just an aside... I do love my new haircut. Dry in 5 min (not including the aforementioned brief intermission)

Apropros (and More)

So Ms. Kel over at Girl In the Glasses, thought she would kill two birds with one stone. She tagged me to play the latest craze in blog games, which, by nature of the rules, will showcase my fab new 'do. Except I don't get to primp. Yikes! Oh well, I don't tend to do much primping anyway. Here's the scoop:

1) Take a picture of yourself right NOW!
2) DON'T change your clothes, DON'T fix your hair... Just take a picture.
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instructions with your picture.
5) Tag 10 people to do this.

Instead of tagging 10 people, I am tagging one person 10 times. Creative, huh? Well, my old friend, Jay, LOVES getting tagged, and he is a bit of an exhibitionist. Since I am feeling charitable (and I have it on good authority that he has nothing better to do with his 95 weeks of vacation), let's have 10 different photos of that adorable mug, por favor.

Finally, since I really and truly am completely self-absorbed, there may be yet another post on the hair. Or not so much the hair, but my perceived long list of physical flaws. Interesting that now that I am happy with my hair, I think my nose is way too big. Wow, isn't it terrific that I am finding so much time to wallow in self-pity, when not one present is wrapped (or purchased, for that matter), there are still lights to be hung and I haven't begun to think about Christmas dinner (don't worry, Turducken won't be involved)?

Oh, and a final "Finally": My poor boys are going to give birth to real, live, mewing kittens if it doesn't snow here soon. Mr. G is checking HOURLY. He is despondent over the apparent warm front that is supposed to hit Christmas Day. 50 degrees on Christmas? Ugh...

Rats! One more FINALLY... Shout out to my gal pal, Denise, who had her Blogcentennial yesterday, and could use a little celebratory cheer.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday's Thoughts: Headed to the Doghouse

Hair is cut and I am happy. Short, sassy bob. There was a slight language barrier and my "1 inch only" plea seemed to have gotten lost in translation. However, all is well... especially for $16. Now, to address the color. I am taking Brenda's advice and throwing on a reddish brown from the box. Full update, with maybe even a photo, soon. As always, thanks for your concern and compassion during my desperate time of need.

I am hours away from being in the doghouse. Am I the only one that waits until the VERY last second to pee? I had to pee since about 10 a.m. this morning, yet always had much more pressing issues at hand. Well, as I was rushing out of the house at 2 p.m., I thought since I was going to be in the car for a while, I should finally take a minute to pee. But then the phone rang. And then I had to pack snacks. And chase the dog into the house. So, just when things were about to turn ugly, I sprinted to the closest bathroom and flung open the door. That's when I remembered... The toilet in question has been having issues, so it is temporarily out of order. To remind us all of that little fact, my husband had the lid closed with the plunger sitting atop. Well, of course, at this point, I decided I couldn't wait, nor really move my legs enough to relocate, so I threw the plunger aside, yanked open the lid and peed (I do realize this is so very crass, but I tried writing the post using "urinate" and "relieving myself" and, trust me, it just didn't work). Now I am in a pickle... If I flush, I just may be opening the very gates of Hell and unleashing the wrath of my very moody and only slightly skilled plumber (hi Pookie!). If I don't flush, I am stone cold busted, and have to hear said plumber be all self-righteous and condescending. If I were male, I am fairly certain my deed would go unnoticed. However, I am the only female (aka toilet paper consumer) in the house. Oh, what's a girl to do?

Oh, and hey, I found this very fun, festive nail polish that looks great on the toes. It's called Gleaming, by Sally Hansen.

All in a day's work, kids. Glad you could drop by.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow?

For those of you who don't enjoy circular logic and time-guzzling tangents, here's the bottom line: I need a haircut. Goodbye and enjoy your worry-free evening.

For those of you who wish to humor me, or just don't have the good sense to move on, here goes...

I have never had long hair. At its longest, it has maybe grazed my shoulders. So, of course, since the grass really and truly must be greener on the proverbial other side, I want long hair. So I begin to grow it. Soon, the awkward grossness sets in and I immediately panic and cut it all off. Even as I am walking out of the salon, having left an enormous tip and waving and smiling and raving about my cute cut (while secretly vowing to never return), I start to suffer from cutter's remorse. I tell myself that next time, I must be stronger and allow my hair the time it needs to blossom into the luxurious mane it was meant to be. 

And so the cycle begins again. Hair grows. Hair gets ugly and time consuming to style. Hair goes into a clip. Permanently. So, I tell myself, "Why have it long if I am only going to wear it up?" I never have the time or desire to spend blowing it out, straightening it, fluffing it, un-fluffing it, and then ultimately pulling it back into a ponytail. Frustrated, I drive straight to the nearest Hair Cuttery and yell at them to chop it all off. However, this time, there is no need to bother with the big tip or the act. I storm out, insisting that next time, I will let it grow.

So that brings us to today... It takes me 20 minutes to style it (which probably doesn't seem like very long to those of you that have normal to above normal hygiene standards) and I don't love the finished look. It's okay, but not fan-friggin-tastic, and I swear it makes my bald spot look more pronounced. It is at the stage where I would normally cut it, but I am trying to fight the urge. There are a couple of reasons... 

1) I like to wear hats in the winter. Without the cute little strands of hair flipping out from underneath, I look like a boy.

2) There is no #2.

The color is another whole saga, in and of itself. The gray that was cute before 40 is now passe and ugly on this side of 40. The blonde is always too blonde, but the dark makes my grey roots look awful. There have been showdowns, tears, photographic evidence, litigious threats... But I am digressing, as I promised I would. 

So here you are, my wise friends. I have laid the contents of my heart before you... A troubled, lost lamb, wandering the lonely hair-trauma pastures. 

Off to the wonderful, magical event of the season, which is the 6th grade band concert. With long hair, I could wear ear plugs and no one would notice. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What Am I Wearing?!

Okay, this seemed like a good idea at the time (a week ago). My gal pal over at Tiaras & Tantrums hosts a Tuesday feature called "What Are You Wearing?" At the very least, it gave me an excuse to get dressed today. It's not much, but at least it's not my p.j.s. So here goes:

khakis (ooh, must be a special occasion): Land's End
black long sleeved T: Gap
brown sweater vest thing: Target
scarf (i forgot to turn the heat on this morning): NYC street vendor

Glamorous, no?

Oh, and because it is Thankful Tuesday (see? I didn't forget!)... I am thankful for the clothes on my back.


Monday, December 15, 2008

MISSION: Monday and GRAND PRIZE Giveaway



There are only 3 Mondays left until the Grand Prize Drawing on December 29th, and you have the ability to enter MULTIPLE TIMES to win. When you play each Monday, you get an entry each time you play, so make sure you come back each Monday!! But if you play EVERY week, you get one entry for every week you play! Plus, see below for ways to get even MORE entries!!

The stakes are getting higher, too...

The year end drawing will be for a Deb-and-Jay designed GiftBasket that currently includes:
  • a $100 Ruth's Chris Gift Card
  • an MP3 Player
  • $30 in Itunes Credits
  • and MORE!!!

We keep adding to this prize as the weeks go on, so it only pays to come back often and play!

Now if you remember the spirit of MISSION: Monday, it is to share with you good and deserving blogs that you may not already be following, and this week is no exception. We have selected three blogs that are worthy of your perusal, and we hope you visit and comment often!

I Need a Martini Mom (Author - VodkaMom... Hilarious and a Vodka Connoisseur much like myself...)
Moms Without Blogs (Author - Lee...Another salty vixen...)
Making Memories (Author - Angie...Last week's winner, and I am seriously loving her blog...)

So here's what to do:

Step 1. Fill out a Mr Linky below to get a Dec 29th Grand Prize entry for this week:

Step 2. Visit each of the 3 featured blogs. You aren't required to do anything once you get there, we just hope you find them to be great blogs to follow. Read them, maybe leave a comment, simply have fun. But if you want to earn MORE Grand Prize entries, see below.

Step 3.mark your calendars to come back! We will run this Monday promotion on December 15, December 22, and finally December 29th, and at the end of which we will draw for the Grand Prize GiftBasket.

Wanna earn 2 entries to this giveaway instead of 1? Simply pick one of the blogs above, go learn 2 specifics about that blogger, and email them to Deb. She will put you down for 2 entries instead of one. And on top of that...

Wanna earn 3 more entries? Go Here

Three great blogs await your discovery, Blogger Agents...make us proud.

The Agency consists of Deb and Jay at Dirty Socks and Pizza and HalftimeLessons...make sure you bookmark us both, as we have some other gems to share...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Never Try to Out-Fox A Fox

I will spare you the details of how I discovered what I am about to share, but let's just say I am the proud mother of an attempted grade-forger. Well, of course, I busted him immediately, laughed at his ignorance, and reminded him of the following...

Ah, my dear, young, stupid grasshopper:

1) If you really wanted to be a successful grade-alterer, you should have paid more attention to your penmanship over the years.

2) Blue ink over black type is a pathetic and dead give away.

3) Once you go down that road, there is no turning back. You have to keep track of which grades you changed, and what you changed them to. It's almost as complicated as math.

4) This one you know already, which completely dumbfounds me... Your teachers email progress reports weekly. I already knew the truth.

5) Please...You have the high school hi-jinks mastermind (that's HSHM, for short) for a mother. What is it those crazy kids like to say these days? Ah yes... Been there. Done that. 

6) Your punishment will not be for the grade, because in all actuality it isn't that bad and it is only mid-quarter. You will have plenty of opportunity to visit your teacher after school and possibly be introduced to a tutor. The punishment is for the deceit. I am not a big fan of withholding/lying about information. Not good, Mister Not-So-Smarty-Pants. Why don't you take a look at that geometry book while you are sitting in your bedroom with no phone/tv/computer all weekend? You just might learn something. 

7) Oh, and before you try to trick your substitute teacher into believing that YOU are the substitute already assigned, and she can leave and enjoy her afternoon, please see #5.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Sordid Truth

You people give me way too much credit. It is very sweet that you are so willing to bestow upon me the benefit of the doubt... My absence being due to a busy life, and what not. Well, congratulations... You're all 0 for 1.

Let's examine what I have been doing/have accomplished since my last post (and not the guilty rambling one, and not the Mission:Monday one, which is really Jay posing as me), roughly a week ago.

1) Trying to nurse the lizard back to health. And no, this is not an euphemism for something inappropriate. I literally have been providing hospice care for my son's sick leopard gecko. Gently dropping tiny bits of water on his parched mouth... Fervently waving mealworms in front of him, while trying to suppress my gag reflex... Rearranging his little rocks. Surely the end is near. I really can't take much more "caregiving". 

2) Observing my hair at various stages of cleanliness, preparing to lay out a thoughtful, well-balanced argument for cutting my hair. Or for NOT cutting it. 

3) Feeding my family Taco Bell every chance I get. 

4) Indiscriminately eating obscene amounts of sugar. I have become a sugar slut... Shoving pop-tarts (UN-toasted, no less) and zebra cakes down my gullet, washing them down with whole milk (because I have run out of skim, yet can't seem to find the time to get to the store).

And now, a three day swim meet looms large... So I will go sit in a hot, chlorine-filled facility with 900 of my closest annoying friends, listening to them live vicariously through their children. They will go on and on about how hard their kids train, their kids' special suits, their kids' special diets, and their kids' special specialness, while my child may or may not sink to the bottom of the pool. I am crossing my fingers that my People and US Weekly are waiting in my mailbox, so I can stick my nose in them and ignore the world. Oh, and I should probably charge my iPod.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Cue the Violins

I feel like I have been extremely remiss in my blog duties. And no, I haven't lost my mind... I know I don't have any actual duties (of which I am aware). I didn't take any oath, although who knows what I agreed to when I hastily (and blindly) accepted the rather lengthy "terms of service". But I really do feel a sense of obligation to you, my dear friends (Yes, I just called you friends. Have I crossed some sort of blog stalker line?).

You laugh at my lame jokes, you guide me through my crises (both small and large), you commiserate, you teach, and sometimes, you are simply there. And that's where I have fallen down on the job over the last few days.

And I have no good excuse! Now, if I had been on a cruise, like a certain someone we all know, or tending to the hearts of grieving friends, like someone else that hob nobs with our little gang, then I might not feel so bad.

I not only feel bad for not being here for you, I feel bad for me because I have probably missed out on some raucous tales, some inside jokes, some killer recipes and lots and lots of laughs. I know you are there, just waiting to pick up where we left off (or hoping that I have forgotten all about my little "Panic Attack" series), and that makes me happy.

Ok, then! Let's get on with it! I've got a hair dilemma that needs your immediate attention. Details in the A.M.

Our Winner...

Of yesterday's MISSION:Monday is the lovely Angie at Making Memories! Congratulations, Angie... That incredibly cute bag from Kristen at The Sassy Shoppe is yours!

Don't forget, Agents, that our Grand Prize Giveaway Spectacular is coming soon. If you have already been playing along, you already have at least one (if not more) entries in it. Stay tuned for more details.

Monday, December 8, 2008

MISSION: Monday and Giveaway


Good Morning Blogger Agents.

The agency has uncovered a number of blogs you may not have been following, and we have designed a weekly giveaway around helping you discover some fantastic blogs.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to visit the blogs below, discover their secrets, and report back here. The bloggers featured will be past winners, deserving contributors, or just damn good and hilarious writers deserving of your eyeballing.

Your reward will be, let us say, substantial. We will offer a weekly prize to one blog explorer/agent, but then EACH person who plays will be entered each week into the Grand Prize drawing at the end of the year. Plus, the winner each week will have their blog featured in the following week's MISSION: Monday Giveaway! Explore early, Explore often, Agents. Riches await.

This week's MISSION: Monday Giveaway: A Sassy Mommy Bag valued at $24, from Kristin's The Sassy Shoppe!!! In addition, the winner will have her/his blog used as a feature blog in the next week's Mission!!

In addition to the weekly giveaways that MISSION: Monday has become famous for, on December 29th we will have our GRAND PRIZE DRAWING!! When you play each week, you are automatically entered into the year end drawing, but if you play EVERY week, you get one entry for every week you play! What's more, here's the juicy news...

The year end drawing will be a Deb-and-Jay designed Gift basket that includes a $100 Ruth's Chris Gift Card, an MP3 Player, and more...we're not gonna give it all away, just know that it will pay to play week after week...

To enter the Giveaways, you will be visiting 3 blogs...follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill out a Mr Linky below. (Closes at Midnight, EST)

Step 2. Visit each of the following 3 featured blog links, find the answer to the question posted at each blog, and leave a comment on their blog to prove you were there (But dont post the answers to the questions!!)...this is important- we are trying to expose you to great blogs out there, so take the time to have a look around!

Momisodes (Author - Momisodes... seriously beautiful photography and writing.)
Bitchin' Wives Club (Author - Amy... Seriously twisted and fantastic.)
Be Different, Act Normal (Author - Lorie...Last week's winner, and I am seriously loving her blog...)

Step 3. What happens then? We will stop taking entries at Midnight on Monday, and then we will draw a winner using a random number generator, and email that person to ask for the answers to the questions. So make sure you are ready! The weekly winner will receive the mentioned prize, and ALL entrants will be entered into the year ending drawing for the BIG prize.

Wanna earn 3 entries to this giveaway instead of 1? Go Here Or need a button for your blog? Go Here

Three great blogs await your discovery, Blogger Agents...make us proud.

The Agency consists of Deb and Jay at Dirty Socks and Pizza and HalftimeLessons...make sure you bookmark us both, as we have some other gems to share...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Yes! Me, Too!!

Being cheery on a regular basis is exhausting, I am learning. I am perservering, though. I am happy to report that I managed to narrowly escape Panic Attack #4 (Tree Trimming Extravaganza), upon which I will expound when I am not feeling so irritable.

What I need right now is some good, old fashioned external validation. Anyone game?

I seem to be transferring my holiday psychosis to everyday annoyances that I am normally able to handle (or flat-out deny). Does ANY of the following sound familiar... at ALL?

1) Are ANY of you mortified because your hair seems to be thinning at a faster rate than your husband's?

2) Do any of you have zits AND wrinkles?

3) Do any of you ever leave your wet, washed clothes in the washer so long, that, to be on the safe side, you wash them AGAIN, before transferring to the dryer?

4) Do any of you ever feed your kids oatmeal for dinner? Just every once in a while?

5) Do any of you ever yell at your kids about their stinky attitude when they probably just need a hug and someone to say, "I bet that must suck"?

6) Has anyone else ever paid $150 for highlights, only to go home and put a box of L'Oreal #6A over them? Even once? (this could explain #1)

7) Are any of you ever in such a foul mood that you go looking for a fight? (this could be with your spouse, your pharmacist, your dog)

8) Do any of you ever lie to your husband and say the trash people came extra early when really you were just too lazy to take the trash out at all?

I wouldn't be surprised if it's just me. I hope not, though. Lord, I hope not.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A First For Me: Actual, Credible, Useful Information

There seems to be a clear consensus here in Blogtopia that Christmastime has veered way off track. It's been fun and inspiring to get new ideas and share thoughts on how to work our way back to the real meaning of the holiday. Many of us have decided to let our giving outweigh our getting, and I think that is a huge step in the right direction.

So, here's a link to some useful information when trying to decide which cause should get your attention and dollars.

Short on time? Don't want to wade through pages and pages of ratings? Well, The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation consistently gets the highest rating AND I know thousands of kids are waiting on a cure. One, in particular, means a whole heck of a lot to me. Even when he's grounded...

And, as always, thank you to Angie, our fearless leader.

With Friends Like These, Who Needs a Cat?

So to celebrate today's Wordful Wednesday, I was going to show and tell about my cat who has found true love with my son's hoodie. But when the mailman sped up my driveway and did a U-Turn in my lawn, I knew that would have to wait. You see, our mailbox is wayyyy down the pipestem, up the cul-de-sac, over the hills and through the woods. There's one, and only one, reason our mailman would ever dare to come so deep into the black hole of darkness... Package day!!! After he took off, leaving lovely, muddy treads in what was once my grass, I ran to the front porch to find my mail all wadded up... and yes! A package! Yay!

Enclosed was this lovely set of watches that can amp-up any outfit imaginable. Girls' night on the town? Why, I'd pick the silver face with the silver mesh band! Off to a PTA meeting? I'd probably grab the gold face, with the denim band. Except I have pretty much been banned from the PTA, but that's another story. Take a look and tell me which combo you like best.

Finally, I want to thank my favorite redhead, Wendy, for being such a constant and fun pal. I am so honored to have won her contest celebrating her 100th post. 

Oh, and as always, thanks to our gal, Angie, who is just a goddess, plain and simple. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Talk to the Hand...

I don't really view myself as overtly political. Sure, there are issues I care about deeply. But I also have an acute awareness that there are those who hold opposing views, that care just as deeply, and I am not about to tell them they are wrong. 

Until today...

I have, what some people might say, HAD IT.

As our economy spirals swiftly and surely down the toilet, I figure we are all going to feel it in some way or another. Fine. Whatever. I don't like it, but I'll play along. I was a good sport about the whole financial institution thing, which really, can I tell you?, rubbed me the wrong way. But, if that's what it takes to help solve things, well, then sure, let's send all the CEOs on a super deluxe spa weekend to sort things out. 

And as much as I don't like the prospect of higher taxes, I realize that since I do absolutely nada to contribute financially to our family, I am already enjoying the benefits of a welfare program, of sorts, in my own home. I guess I'm in no position to judge.

Well, in the 4 seconds or so that it takes to go from Google News to my Google Reader, this caught my eye. Uhhh, excuse me?

Oh, listen, I would just love to have my tax money go to help out the poor, struggling "Big 3", but guess what? I already have! I have not one, NOT TWO, but three American-made cars sitting in my driveway (two are VERY old, so don't even go down the "spreading the wealth" road with me). Those jokers in Detroit have gotten quite a bit of my money... How much more do they need? 

I am sorry, but if Congress is really idiotic enough to pass this load of nonsense, I think those of us that own American cars should be exempt. Should I start a petition? Picket the Capitol (although traffic really is a headache down there at this time of year)? I guess I will start by calling my Congressman and Senators, and go from there. 

Good Lord, what next? Trust me, if I am forced to burn my bras, we're ALL going to pay.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Panic Attack #3: Advent Schmadvent

So, this one is half my fault and half their fault. My fault, because I don't know how to plan ahead. Their fault, because they are ungrateful, spoiled little so-and-so's. 

A few years ago, genius here was on the lookout for new ideas that would eventually become family traditions. You see, the only true traditions I have to pass down are 1) fighting while trimming the tree, 2) fighting while decorating the house, and 3) fighting while opening presents. You can see why I am in need...

Well, a cute little advent calendar caught my eye, and I thought, "Gee, here's a fun and easy way to make Christmas last an entire month!" Before you even ask, no, I had not been smoking crack.  

Oh, the boys were quite pleased. At first. Very quickly the little knick-knacks weren't cutting it and I was forced to up the ante. Then, the age old problem of the tooth fairy arose. You know what I am talking about... The tooth fairy is caught without change and has to leave a $5 under the pillow and life for the fairy becomes increasingly more expensive. Well, in my tardiness to secure the daily gift, I had to grab something quick (and coincidentally, valuable). There was no turning back at that point. Expectations rise exponentially at my house.

To make matters worse (See? I can acknowledge my own role in the nightmare), I thought it would be "neat" to write a little poem with a cute little piece of clip art, telling the boys where to find their hidden treasures. The tiny doors on the calendar are way too small to hide the actual surprise. By about day 3, I had run out of words that rhyme with advent, surprise, elf, suicide... you get the idea.

I think it was somewhere around day 15 or 16 last year, that in a screaming fit of rage, I packed the whole thing up and vowed to my children that they would never see the advent calendar again. Oh, don't worry, this has a happy ending. For them. They did the whole groveling and apology bit, and not 24 hours later, I had caved and had two inappropriately expensive something-or-others waiting for them. With a poem. With a cute little piece of jolly Christmas clip art on it.

So, here I am... A year older and maybe just a bit wiser. The boys came home from swim practice and immediately started elbowing each other out of the way to get to the calendar. Moody Teen got there first, and read the clue to look in the freezer. Sweet Pre-teen found the envelope behind the ice cream, tore it open and began to read:

For the first day of Advent, there won't be a gift
Instead, you must each find someone else's spirits to lift.

When I told them they each had $25 to donate to a good cause that they had to pick, they almost fell to the floor. But, in their defense, they regrouped rather quickly and were good sports. Youngest is deciding between a Food Bank and an Animal Rescue. Oldest chose Breast Cancer, so he can freely say breast. Repeatedly. 

Total Cop Out

Greetings. I hope you all enjoyed Denise's birthday as much as I did. As you can tell, there is no MISSION: Monday today. We will return to our regularly scheduled super-sleuthing next week, with a big announcement and three more fab blogs. 

But don't worry, I am not leaving you empty handed. Here is the easiest recipe in the world that is sure to please, well, my kids. I think others will like it, but they are the only people whom I have personally witnessed demanding and devouring it. 

Easy Apple Crisp

1 stick butter (softened)
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar

mix above ingredients until crumbly

peel and slice 6 apples (I use Gala) in a baking dish

sprinkle mixture evenly over apples & top with cinnamon

bake @ 350 degrees for ~40 minutes (until golden brown)

eat with or without vanilla ice cream

milk is a must
refrigerate leftovers as they make a wonderful breakfast the next morning 
(I like it cold)