Friday, September 12, 2008


I totally buy into the idea of harbingers. Those who know me will insist that I just read WAY too much into things. Some have even suggested a mild paranoia. I am constantly on the lookout for these little clues to what the future holds. Not necessarily because my thought process is so evolved, but because I have this nagging fear that I might miss out on something. I'm a gotta-be-the-first-to-know kind of gal. God forbid Armageddon begins and I'm still on the couch in my PJs. 

Anyway... harbingers. Most people, I think, overlook them for a variety of reasons. Busy schedules, self-absorption, complete lack of awareness of their surroundings, or simple disinterest. But for me, they are extremely comforting. On good days, they are affirmations of my semi-irrational hopefulness. On bad, they are gentle reminders that I have no business trying to exert control over that which I have absolutely no influence.


Kristen said...

I need to post about mine-3 plane rides in 4 days-2 blind men and a deaf lady....

Nannette said...

WOW. I just read this after posting my own little harbinger on my blog. Weird?