Friday, January 16, 2009

The Moment You've All Been Waiting For... WAYW

It's official... I'm not in my pajamas! I have the photographic evidence to prove it. I do want to thank Tiaras & Tantrums for motivating me. Two weeks in a row in PJs would be simply unacceptable. Even I know that. So, without further ado...

Here is the whole look. Not spectacular, but sufficient. I can't wait to hear what CaJoh has to say about my kitchen this week.

Gap Essentials jeans: $58 maybe?
Tan (Gap) RECYCLED (I'm not sure how, but I believe them) sweater: ON SALE $14.99. 
Target scarf: $8
Rounding out the whole mess are my new, wonderful, don't hate them because they're Uggs, boots: $169. They aren't the classic Uggs, worshipped by teen girls everywhere, but a slightly more sophisticated version (at least that's what I am telling myself).

Next we have a close up of a rare occurrence: my ears with earrings in them. These are my favorites, made by my lovely, gifted friend Ann, over at Beadiful Things

And finally, a shot before I walked out the door. It is very cold, so I had to throw on a hat, even though, with my short hair, I look like a boy. A haggard boy, at that. And while I will be the first to admit I have the baggiest under-eye bags, they are usually a little more under control. They are extra puffy because of my illness (which, for the record, has been narrowed down to a cold or SARS). If anyone can photoshop them out, and maybe thin out my face a little, please see me after class.

There you have it, folks. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go assume the fetal position with a carton of ice cream, where I will remain until my 15 yo big boy comes back from Canada safe, sound and un-arrested.



Kristina P. said...

Oh my gosh! Those are the same earrings I bought for my mom for Christmas! We both have excellent taste. And you look hot!

Cajoh said...

LOVE the stove-- is that a Viking range… I'm so jealous.

Does Ann lamp work her own beads? My wife took classes on how to do that— even though she hasn't the time now a days to go to the studio to make more. I feel a tribute coming on…

tiarastantrums said...

okay now, I like the hat?? I don't think you look like a boy at all?!

cute earrings - I couldn't wear those - baby girl likes to tug at earrings!

Love the Uggs - very classy - not teenager at all!

Thanks for playing along!

angi_b72 said...

Great pic!!! But the PJ's looked so much cozier!!

Unknown said...

wow aren't you rockin!!!! LOVE the earings!

Unknown said...

For the record. You do not have baggy eye bags at all!

Tres chic--Cute

Young Momma said...

I like!!! Your quite fancy compared to me... the Gap is so outta my league. I go for more of the Old Navy type stuff.

Jen said...

you look great! all warm and cozy, I wish that I was all warm and cozy right now.

Joy said...

I tried to click you pic to make it bigger but no luck, I was trying to get a better look at the Uggs. I got some for xmas but took them back because they weren't the right color, I like the knitted ones and want some of those next. I got some EMU instead.

Ash said...

How adorably hawt are you!?

I'm heading to the salon tomorrow to touch up my two-inch roots, and I'm so in the mood to chop my hair. That shot might have cinched it.

Your kitchen is way cool - love the hanging hearts.

Linda S said...

you look amazing...i'm crushing on those earrings too

Kim said...

I know how to photoshop things out of pictures. Not that I have ever done that or anything...

Love the outfit. Can we get a closeup of the Uggs? I didn't know they made anything but the "originals".

Tenakim said...

You are sooo cute! I don't see the baggy eyes at all ANDI see hair out of that hat- I look like a chemo patient with my hat on

Julia@SometimesLucid said...

You look very cute :)

Honey Mommy said...

You look smashing! The scarf is so cute.

I have a friend who could do the Photoshop thing for you. I'll have to hook you up. :o)

Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

Hey a new summer photo for the profile. I like. If that range is a Viking I am jealous as well. I am the ex chef, that's supposed to be mine.....LOL

jill jill bo bill said...

But a pretty little boy in earrings.

I need you to put on 68.5 lbs before we meet. I cannot handle being the fat one in any pictures any longer....

Start eating!!!!

amelia bedelia said...

You are so dang cute!! And your ugg boots are the BOMB! I will do this as soon as I decide to get out of my pjs, too.

amelia bedelia said...

ok, and jill are commenting on everybodies blogs like 15 min. apart! I've got to text her!!

Lindsay said...

I absolutely adore that hat! I could cut my hair short just to get to wear that. And I must say that you look very youthful in that picture. :)

Unknown said...

oh come on ...uggs are always what my feet want to be in!! You look adorable!

Wendyburd1 said...

heyyy! my sister has that hat in black!!

Debbie said...

I'm having a little range envy over here myself. And nice outfit. I think you were rocking the comfortable but stylish look.

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

You look great. and I love your kitchen. Now I feel the need to shower, get dressed and clean my kitchen. Darn....I really was planning on doing nothing but blog today.

Anonymous said...

You look cute (Hope you are feeling better too). LOve the boots. I always say I need boots but I refuse to buy them. I have to say I love your kitchen in the background as well.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Annie said...

I think you're one hot "boy!" Ok,really. Please!You don't look like a boy at all, hot stuff.

Straight to Your Hart said...

Oh, Deb..I love it all. The buttons on the hat are awesome!!

Head to toe..sexiness!! Grrarr..

Claremont First Ward said...

You do look SO cute. LOVE the whole ensemble....and your kitchen.....LOVE it.

Anonymous said...

Deb - you look GREAT!! I may have to participate in this what are you wearing sometime soon but I'm not as bold as you. Not when it comes to analyzing what I'm wearing...

I can see why everyone loved this post and it's great to see your face!! And I do NOT see the bags! Really!

Kristen said...

You are so stinkin' cute!

Kristen said...

You are so stinkin' cute!