Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Panic at the Disco

Okay maybe not at an actual disco, but there certainly is plenty of mayhem, confusion and havoc-wreaking here at home to fill multiple discos. And yesterday, I attempted to face all of it head on, almost like a real grown up, and identify, and tackle, some of the indigestion-inducing issues.

As I see it, there really are only two main sources of stress in my home... Child Numero Uno and Child Numero Dos (although little Sassy with her kitty cold and infected eye is gaining as a strong third). And I treated you all to a little of my bilingualism just then because I was up past midnight typing Senor Moody Teen's Spanish essays he had previously hand-written, but realized at bedtime, needed to be typed. Since teen sleep is in short supply around here, I thought it best that he get to bed and I would type. What else did I have to do (Yes, sleep is the correct answer)? But Spanish isn't what we're talking about here... my children are. Oh, and my incredible parenting skills and insight.

So yesterday evening, I sat the older one down (I figure I have more time to save young Bean from himself, so he got shelved). I explained to Moody how important it was that he start to take on some responsibility for himself. Unfortunately, he was one step ahead of me, and politely agreed with everything I had to say (as it all went gliding smoothly out his other ear). There was no arguing. No negotiating. No threats of military school. But obviously none of it sunk in. He was just beating me at my own game.

I was highly suspicious, but what could I do? Just smile and wait until it all comes crashing back down again? I would think 24 hours would be sufficient time for that to occur, wouldn't you agree? Well that, my friends, is in T minus 2 hours.  Do you think that is enough time to find, purchase and read a Parenting Self-Help book, or should I do what any self-respecting parent of teens would do, and have a stiff drink and a bubble bath?


Anonymous said...

He is learning the ropes and will be President someday. No biggie since he'll have an entire Senate and House to do his work for him.

The day I remember the most is the day I was giving my daughter the entire "in your face" reprimand designed to change her ways forever.

She had a strange look of enjoyment on her face which confused me. I asked: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" and she said........."I'm watching the reflection of the TV in your glasses".


Kristina P. said...

You are a good mom. Because I would not have typed that paper up for him. That's what happens when you work with punk ass kids for 10 years. Natural consequences and all that crap.

Ash said...

You know I'm making a book of all this advice to put away for when Oldest enters the teen years.

No pressure.

Skip the bubble bath and have a double. Less pruning that way.

J9 said...

I vote stiff drink and bath

Jenn@ The Crazies said...

I agree.. stiff drink would probably be best!!

Kim said...

Stiff drink while you are on a plane to a remote island in the Caribbean.

Beth said...

You are so nice! Maybe it didn't all glide out of his ears. Not all of it. Something is sticking...

I think you deserve some sleep now

Sera said...

Make that TWO stiff drinks, a bubble bath, and some expensive chocolate.
What a clever, clever Moody you have there, Deb. Does your hubby have sit-downs with them, too?

Sandra Foyt said...

The kid knows he's got you between a rock & a hard place. It would be great to let them experience natural consequences, but by high school, those grades count.

You need leverage!

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

I'm all for the bath and having a drink. You have to let them fall sometimes so they will learn....no guilt. Its part of the job.

Straight to Your Hart said...

Phew... I need an el napo! ;) Like my spanish skills..giggle

Jenners said...

Me no speaka Espanol.

Unknown said...

Take the stiff drink and the bubble bath.

Heather of the EO said...

You had the drink right??? RIGHT????

Harlene said...

Love it! I say, well actually,I shouldn't say anything as I don't know what I'm doing.

Did I mention to you I overheard my boys discussing how much easier to live with I'd be on pot! Yep, they also were commenting that I'm kind of a power trip lately, telling everyone what to do!

I'd have a stiff drink if I could, but in Utah we go with prescription drugs!

Michelle said...

I vote for stiff drink and bubble bath :-)