Many of you have read the crazy tales of my courtship, and it is therapeutic for me to recount them (reminds me that I may have a reason or two to like my husband, which is always good)...
So after spilling my guts about our matching tattoos and drunken engagement in the loo, it is only fitting that we bring it on home with a quick run down of the actual wedding.
It didn't take long after getting engaged for us to figure out that the whole big wedding thing was just not for us. Having my (future) in-laws actually forbid any holy union, whatsoever, kind of forced our hand. Plus it all just seemed so silly and unnecessary. We were in love and wanted to be together all the time... Why jump through so many hoops (expensive hoops, to boot!)?
Well, as re-enacted in this lovely photo, we went to the local courthouse and got 'er done. I remember it being a sweet, albeit brief, ceremony. The two clerks that ended up being our witnesses even got a little teary.
There was no time for a honeymoon, as my honey had to go back to work immediately after the ceremony. I am sure we celebrated drunkenly and obnoxiously later in the week, with a pizza and a six-pack.
Now don't be hatin'...Not everyone can have the fairy tale ending. I just got lucky.
And, as always, you have Ms. Angie over at Seven Clown Circus to thank for enabling me.
Ah, I'm a sucker for happy endings - sniff.
As I said before with your "dollar bill - hollar" engagement story, more of today's brides would do better to pay attention to THIS type of romantic wedding story.
It ain't all wedding cake and doves. Though, on some days, we get lucky, and it is.
Who cares about all the trappings and finery? You guys look so happy.
Hahaha... sweet and funny...
Great post!
J/ (
I LOVE that you did things your own way! Good for you! If I had it all to do over again, I'd go to the courthouse too!
Love the post and the pic!
Ah.......and it's a happily ever after story. I LOVE the photo of the two of you!
I think that ginormous weddings are overrated.
But it does make for some good blog fodder on Bridezillas.
I wish we had done things this way. We could hav esaved a lot of "Jack" for the same happy outcome. As comedian Ron White says, My in-laws hate my Guuuuts.
love it! we didn't "do" the big wedding either! who needs bossy -future in-laws telling me what to do!
Aww. Happy endings are great. And if I ever remarry, I won't do the whole wedding thing either. Too much trouble and stress.
Love the pic. Congrats!
And don't worry, I think the crying baby (my own) is a little funny too.
You did get lucky! What a cool story!
Hubby and I eloped. It was my second marriage and neither of us wanted the attention or financial burden of a real wedding. So we went and only told our parents and grandparents. Everyone else found out sooner or later....and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Not having a ceremony didnt make a bit of difference. We are super happy and love each other. And Im glad your marriage is strong too.
I think there is a little part of all of us that wishes we had foregone all the hoopla and just done it that way.
Seriously? Forbid you? I thought I mis read it...? Forbid? really?
We have this whole big plan to have a whole GNO topic totally on Great wedding stories, maybe in June or something..
Now you have a post to add to that! We're getting there!
I'm sure there were times when J and I wanted to elope, but I feel we got pretty lucky with our wedding, from planning to reception. We defied family expectations and did a location wedding at the beach, and as it turns out everyone was way happier this way than if we did it at home. The days leading up to the wedding were great, because everyone came down early and pretty much had a big party.
Good for you that you did it your way! We don't have to spend tons of money and keep with traditions to show are love.
Oh, great wedding story! I love the picture.
pizza and beer? No cake or nuttin?!! Geez thats almost as bad as my Dad taking my Mom to a HOJO's on their wedding night...then going CAMPING for the honeymoon....errrr NO THANKS!
You two are cute though, LOL!
What a sweet story - wonderfully and uniquely yours!!
Sounds like the perfect weeding/reception to me.
Ours wasn't much fancier...
But it's obvious that you look back up on it with fond memories, so that's all that matters!
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